Distributed Systems | Microservice — [Mind Maps]Tarun Jain·Follow3 min read·Nov 11, 2022--ListenShareThe Visual Workspace | WhimsicalEdit descriptionwhimsical.comSign Up | MindMeisterEdit descriptionwww.mindmeister.comSystem Design BasicMachine Learning Mathwww.mindmeister.comDistributed Systems Mind MapThough distributed systems are inherently distributed, autonomous, and parallel, all textbooks that I have read so far…dilumb.blogspot.comScalable architectureVertical scalability ✓ Horizontal scalability ✓ Failover ✓ >>REST is the best :) << ✓ Scalable ✓ Load…www.mindmeister.comGitHub - eko1995/DDIA-notes: Notes for Designing Data-Intensive ApplicationYou can't perform that action at this time. You signed in with another tab or window. You signed out in another tab or…github.comMind maps of Designing Data-Intensive ApplicationIn 2021 I have read excellent book about building complex scalable software systems.medium.comhttps://whimsical.com/distributed-transaction-R2NM9wQAJhWgVctiTXEhQKhttps://whimsical.com/distributed-transaction-R2NM9wQAJhWgVctiTXEhQKhttps://whimsical.com/distributed-transaction-R2NM9wQAJhWgVctiTXEhQKTwo-phase commit (2PC) pattern — [Notes]· 2PC · Advantages of 2PC · Disadvantages of 2PCtarunjain07.medium.comSAGA (3PC) Pattern — [Notes]SAGA(3PC) Pattern — [Notes] SAGAtarunjain07.medium.comThe Outbox PatternThe Outbox Pattern — [Notes]The Outbox PatternThe Outbox Pattern — [Notes] The Outbox Patterntarunjain07.medium.comDesign PatternsDesign patternsPublic mind map by Eugene Zakhno. Create your own collaborative mind maps for free at www.mindmeister.comwww.mindmeister.comdesign_patternsFluent interfejs ✓ kreacyjne ✓ czynnościowe , operacyjne, behawioralne ✓ strukturalne ✓ definicja ✓ zastaw atrybutów ✓…www.mindmeister.combehavioral design patternspolecenie (command) ✓ interpreter ✓ iterator ✓ mediator ✓ pamiątka (memento) ✓ obserwator (observer) ✓ stan (state) ✓…www-mindmeister-com.translate.googbehavioral design patternspolecenie (command) ✓ interpreter ✓ iterator ✓ mediator ✓ pamiątka (memento) ✓ obserwator (observer) ✓ stan (state) ✓…www-mindmeister-com.translate.googstructual design patternsadapter (wrapper) ✓ private class data ✓ most (bridge) ✓ kompozyt (composite) ✓ dekorator (decorator) ✓ pyłek…www.mindmeister.comGoF Design PatternsGoF Design Patterns 2.2.1. Method (defer the instantiation of the subtype of the product to the subtype of the…www.mindmeister.comLes Design PatternsPublic mind map by Stéphane Guardo. Create your own collaborative mind maps for free at www.mindmeister.comwww-mindmeister-com.translate.googDesign PatternsEdit descriptionwww.mindmeister.com