Design WhatsApp

Tarun Jain
12 min readMay 20, 2022


· Questions / Functional requirement
How many queues would we need?

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  • How do we map users i.e. if User1 sends a message to User2, how will system know if User2 is connected and if connected which server it’s mapped to?
  • WhatsApp vs other chat systems?
  • How to identify message for deliver and read receipt?
  • How to make sure “Exactly once” delivery?
  • How to de-duplicate messages incase of double delivery?
  • Will a new websocket connection established when whatsapp clinet is opened? and disconnected after whatsapp is closed?
  • Can we use simple queue based architecture for messaging? Kafka or RabbitMQ?
  • Chats are stored on client side? Is this true for Images and Videos as well?

Questions / Functional requirement

  • How many active users will we have? — 100M active users
  • How many chats do we need to support at the same time? — 1M chats refreshing every 5 seconds = 1,000,000 * (60 / 5) / 60=200k selects per second
  • How many messages per day? — 1 Billion → 40M per day → 700k a minute 00 → 12k messages a second → 12k inserts per second
  • What platforms do we need to support? — Both mobile and web
  • Do we need to support group chats? — No
Simple design, say for 100 users
Basic DB Design


How many queues would we need?

  • The answer really depends on how many WebSocket you would have per server instance.
  • If we assume each server can hold 10K open connections, then we’ll need 100 servers.
  • If we assume that a single queue can handle 10 connections, then we’ll need 10 queues.

Source —

Functional Requirements

  • 1:1 messaging
  • Group chat
  • Join/leave groups
  • Typing indicator
  • User status — online offline
  • When the user is offline → send notification to device if new message arrives
  • Message delivery receipt
  • Message read receipt

Non Functional Requirements

  • Scalable — can scaleup infra on need basis
  • Available — should be able to send message to WhatsApp servers
  • Consistent —Message, delivery, and order of messages should be consistent.

Traffic Estimation / BOE

Why we need BOE

Some interviewers I talked to didn’t like upfront back-of-the-envelope estimation because the statistics are arbitrarily picked and the exact number doesn’t mean much. To some extent, they are right. However, we do need some rough numbers to help us make critical decisions

  • How many active users will we have? — 100M active users
    globally distributed system (to serve users in different regions)
  • How many chats do we need to support at the same time? — 1M chats refreshing every 5 seconds = 1,000,000 * (60 / 5) / 60 = 200k selects per second
  • How many messages per day? — 1 Billion → 40M per day → 700k a minute 00 → 12k messages a second → 12k inserts per second
  • What platforms do we need to support? — Both mobile and web
  • Daily message storage size: ~100GB
    → backend should be horizontally scalable

🎯The system is write-heavy, as messages are written into DB but rarely read (most of them are delivered via the notification service and saved locally on the client. We shall see why later ) [Source]


High Level Design

API Design

  • In a system design interview, it is always a good idea to lay down the API of the system upfront.
  • It helps you formalize the features to implement and showcase your rigorous thinking.
  • The requirements of our system can be broken down into the following RPC calls:

send_message(user_id, receiver_id, channel_type, message)
get_messages(user_id, user_id2, channel_type, earliest_message_id)
join_group(user_id, group_id)
leave_group(user_id, group_id)
// ignore RPC for login/logout, ignore authentication token

  • The channel_type field is used to distinguish private chats from group chats.
  • The receiver_id /user_id2 can be a user ID or a group ID.
  • The earliest_message_id is the latest message locally available on the client. It is used as the sort key to range query the chat tables.

Database Design

When it comes to database design, it is always a good idea to consider the access pattern of your application.

Read Operations

  • Given user A and user B, retrieve messages after a certain timestamp
  • Given group G, retrieve all messages after a certain timestamp
  • Given group G, find all member ID
  • Given user A, find all groups he/she joined

Write Operations

  • Save a message between user A and user B
  • Save a new message by user A in group G
  • Add/delete user A to/from group G

In our case, it is obvious that the database is used primarily as a key-value store. No complex relational ops such as join are needed. In addition to the access pattern, keep in mind that the database must be horizontally scalable and tuned for writes.

In our case, we could use NoSQL databases such as Cassandra or sharded SQL such as Postgres (SQL is also very scalable if you don’t care about relations or foreign key constraints). In practice, many companies (e.g. Discord) use Cassandra because it scales up easily and is more suitable for write-heavy work (Cassandra uses LSTM rather than B+ Tree used by SQL). For a more detailed discussion, I refer you to this awesome post.


  • In Cassandra, records are sharded by the partition keys.
  • On each node, records with the same partition key are sorted by the sort key.
  • The chat tables are designed to best fit our access pattern.
Figure 1. Private Chat Table, Figure by Author
Figure 2. Group Chat Table, Figure by Author

A key observation here is that the message ID is used to determine the ordering. The message Id is not globally unique, as its scope is determined by the partition key. The system will never retrieve an item by its message ID alone.

However, auto-increment key generation is not well supported by distributed databases. We could use a dedicated key generation service such as Twitter’s Snowflake ID or simply use a precise timestamp as message ID (yes, clock skew can happen, but the message volume in a group/between two users may be small enough to ignore this with careful time synchronization)

Figure 3. Membership Tables, Figure by Author
  • The Group Membership table is used for message broadcasting — we need to figure out who gets the message.
  • The User Membership table is for listing all the groups a user has joined.
    → We could use a single table with a secondary index, but the cardinality of group ID/user ID is too large for a secondary index. The two-table approach isn’t without problems either — if we mutate one, the other should be modified to maintain consistency, which requires distributed transactions.

→ Using CQL, you can create an index on a column after defining a table. You can also index a collection column. Secondary indexes are used to query a table using a column that is not normally queryable.

→ Secondary indexes are tricky to use and can impact performance greatly. The index table is stored on each node in a cluster, so a query involving a secondary index can rapidly become a performance nightmare if multiple nodes are accessed. A general rule of thumb is to index a column with low cardinality of few values.

It keeps track of user-specific data such as profile picture location and other stuff.

High Level Design

Finally, time for architecture design! By now we’ve laid down a solid foundation for the application — the database schema, the RPC calls. With all these in mind, we can proceed to write down the list of components in the system.

  • Chat Service: each online user maintains a WebSocket connection with a WebSocket server in the Chat Service. Outgoing and incoming chat messages are exchanged here.
  • Web Service: It handles all RPC calls except send_message(). Users talk to this service for authentication, join/leave groups, etc. No WebSocket is needed here since all calls are client-initiated and HTTP-based.
  • Notification Service: When the user is offline, messages are pushed to external phone manufacturers’ notification servers (e.g. Apple’s )
  • Presence Service: When a user is typing or changes status, the Presence Service is responsible for figuring out who gets the push update.
  • User Mapping Service: Our chat service is globally distributed. We need to keep track of the server ID of the user’s session host.

Figure 5. High-Level Architecture, Figure by Author

Note that the ID generation service is left out in figure 5.


Normal Message Delivery

When the user sends out a message, it is delivered to a WebSocket server in the same region. The WebSocket server will write the message to the database and acknowledge the client. If the recipient is another user, her WebSocket service ID is obtained by calling the User Mapping Service. Once the message is forwarded to the appropriate server, the recipient will get the push message via WebSocket.

Failed Message Delivery

If for some reason the WebSocket is cut off and the user is unreachable, all messages will be redirected to the notification service for a best-effort delivery (no guarantee of delivery, since the user might not have an internet connection).

History Catch-up

Even with the duo message delivery system, it is possible that a message is never received by the client. Therefore, it is critical that all clients request the Gateway Service for the authoritative chat history upon reconnection/with fixed intervals.

Group Chat

When a user participates in a group chat, his message is broadcast to all group members. Given a group ID, the WebSocket server queries the database forward the messages to other servers.

Presence Detection

When a user is active in the app, applications like Slack will inform other users of your status. We can handle this signal as a special form of group chat. Instead of querying the database, the WebSocket server contacts the Presence Service who returns a list of contacts for broadcast. Since it is prohibitively expensive to inform everyone who has ever chatted with the user, the Presence Service runs some kind of algorithm (maybe based on chat frequency, latest exchange, …) to keep the list short and precise.

For less-frequent contacts, the status of a user can be obtained by polling the presence service instead of waiting for the push message.

Typing Indication

Logically there’s no difference between a typing indication message and a normal message. We can propagate the typing indication messages in the same way as private chat messages (figure 6).


By now, we have established a clear architecture and concrete data flow that covers all functional requirements. However, there are so many things over which an interviewer can grill you. In this section, I want to talk about some interesting tradeoffs that interviewers might ask you.

Communication Between Web Socket Servers

The first issue is how web socket servers communicate with each other (step 5 in figure 6). The easiest way is to use a separate, synchronous HTTP call for each message. However, two issues arise:

  1. No message ordering: If two messages are sent in sequence, it is possible that the first one arrives super late. It will seem to the user that an unread message pops out above the latest message you just read, which is very confusing.
  2. Large number of request per second: If each message is sent with a separate HTTP call, then the ingress traffic could overwhelm web socket Servers.

One possible solution is using queues as middleware. Each server has a dedicated incoming queue, which serves as a buffer and imposes ordering on messages.

Figure 11. Queue as a Middleware. Figure by Author

Although it looks like that queue is a better solution, I would argue that it’s a devil of its own:

  • For large-scale applications such as Slack, there are tens of thousands of web socket servers. Maintains and scales the middleware is expensive and a challenge itself.
  • If the consumer (web socket server) is down, we don’t want the messages to accumulate in the queue since the users will reconnect to a different server and initiate history catch-up. Servers come and go all the time, it is laborous to create/purge queues with them.
  • If the consumer rejoins, what should we do with the stale messages in the queue? What messages to discard and what to process?

Here I propose a third approach that is based on synchronous HTTP calls:

To solve the ordering issue, we can annotate every message with a prevMsgID field. The recipient checks his local log and initiates history catch-ups when an inconsistency is found.

Figure 12. Out-of-order Detection, Figure by Author

To reduce the number of messages exchanged between servers, we can implement some buffering algorithm on WebSocket servers — send accumulated messages, say, ~50 MS with randomized offsets (preventing everyone from sending messages at the same time).

Handling Group Chat

Right now the current design broadcasts all group messages regardless of group size. This approach does not work well if the group is very large. Theoretically, there are two ways to handle group chats — pushing and pulling:

  • pushing: The message is broadcast to other web socket servers who then push it to the client
  • pulling: the client sends a request to HTTP servers for the latest messages.

The problem with pushing is that it converts one external request (one message) into many internal messages. This is called Write Amplification. If the group is large and active, pushing group messages will take up a tremendous amount of bandwidth.

The problem with pulling is that one message is read over and over again by different clients (Read Amplification). Going along with this approach will surely overwhelm the database.

Figure 13. Hybrid Group Chat Handling, Figure by Author

My idea is that we can build a hybrid system with the above logic. For smaller groups or inactive groups, it is okay to do pushing since write amplification won’t stress out the servers. For very active and large groups, clients must query the HTTP server regularly for messages.

Web Socket Server and Database

When a message is received by a web socket server, it is persisted into the database. The simplest approach would be calling the database directly. With this implementation, the database is bombarded with ~100K RPS traffic, which demands tons of infrastructure.

An alternative is using queues for batch insertion. When the queue service receives a write, the web socket server, in turn, acknowledges the client. At the other end of the queue, a dedicated batch writer can group hundreds of messages into a single request, thus reducing the RPS significantly.

Figure 14. Issues with Middleware, Figure by Author

However, using queues such as Kafka does introduce delays between server ACK and the actual write. If a client queries the HTTP server immediately after receiving ACK from the web socket server, it is possible the message is not written yet. With middleware, it is hard to offer read-after-write consistency that might be important for certain applications.


In this article, we came up with a high-level architecture for Slack, defined system APIs as well as database schema. In addition, we explored many important tradeoffs when the system is examined more closely. In a system design interview, there’s no such thing as a perfect answer. All solutions have flaws, our job is to evaluate each of them and pick the simplest one that meets all the requirements.


